The longest fingernails to date were on Lee Redmond at a whopping 28 ft. 4.5 inches. Be careful not to break them! AnswerParty again!
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Lee Redmond
Lee Redmond (born February 2, 1941) held the record in the Guinness World Records for longest fingernails on both hands. The Enquirer featured her every few years and kept track of the progress of her nails.
Redmond started growing her nails in late 1978-early 1979 and although she had originally planned to have them cut off on November 22, 2006 (as she said on her guest appearances on a couple of talk shows), she chose to keep her nails after all. In the past few years, she made appearances on CBS News and at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum. One of her last appearances was at a fundraiser for the Salt Lake City fire department, where it was reported her nails were an average of 34–35 inches in length.
Fingernail growth world record holders
A nail is a horn-like envelope covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes in humans, most non-human primates, and a few other mammals. Nails are similar to claws in other animals. Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protein called keratin. This protein is also found in the hooves and horns of some animals. The mammalian nail, claw, and hoof are all examples of unguis [plural ungues].
Shridhar Chillal
Shridhar Chillal (born 1938) holds the world record for the longest fingernails ever reached on a single hand, measuring 6.15 meters (20 feet 2.25 inches). Chillal's longest nail is 1.30 meters (4.25 feet). He stopped cutting his nails in 1952.
Although Chillal is proud of his record breaking nails, he had increasing difficulties with their weight, which already caused his left fingers to become disfigured (and more or less useless). Due to nerve damage caused from the nails' immense weight, Chillal is permanently deaf in the left ear (for he grew his fingernails on his left hand).