Do eyedrops peel a layer of something off your eye every time you apply them?
How deep does a wound have to be to cut open an artery?
If I take a shower with my contacts in will they fall out?
How do annelids circulate blood?
What does homatropine do?
Can Desitin be used on adults?
How is sun healthy for you?
What is the average number a brain cells in a human brain?
Describe three major adaptations the contribute to the success of insects?
Can you send me a picture of a fire hydrant please?
Does a domestic rabbit have good night vision?
How much money do pediatricians make in an hour?
How much of a risk is an amniotisis?
Does diabetes blur your vision?
What is the alcohol content of a MGD 64?
What does it mean to be born with a caul?
Can you get shingles if you've had the chicken pox?
Why do you get brainfreeze when you drink sumthn cold?
Can I get a list of hotlines from humorhotlines?
Does ear wax smell?
What does your body use Eletrolytes for?
What does it mean when you have a headache and blurred vision. Im near sighted?
How many cavities can you have filled in one visit to the dentist?
Which mouse type is best for your wrist?
Are red hands a symptom of something?
What is the membrane that covers the inner ear?
Whose phone number is 270-868-0215?
Will it go away on it own if I don't have a doctor?
Is it normal to have one eye more dialated the the other?
How can I make my pink-eye better?
Can you get your sense of smell removed?
Does wearing sunglasses help with Photosensitive epilepsy?
If a woman has blue eyes and the man has hazel eyes, what color eyes would their kids have?
Do your eyeballs have nerve endings in them, so if you scratch them they will hurt?
How do you find your voicemail number?
What is the cause of glaucoma?
What is the olfactory nerve?
FWD: Daisy Gomez (IM): what are the structures on which genes are located,? :O (You can reply to this msg)?
How are glycolysis & cellular respiration related?
Can dogs see infrared light?
Educational movie bones?
If I shaved my legs and went swimming, how do I stop my legs from burning from the chlorine?
Do people blink more when they are frustrated?
How old do you have to be to get lasik surgery?
Should you use hot or cold compress for pinched nerve in shoulder blade?
Definition of obgyn?
What is the lining at the back of the eye that forms the image?
How do they test people for swine flu?
Why do your ears have a ringing noise in them sometimes?
What is menthal?
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