Games/Paper and Pencil
What are the chances of Nick and I getting together?
How come I'm not getting the verification key when I've hit resend three times?
Can we the Odells save Tochi?
Everyone hates this guy i like, but im dating a great guy. He just gets boring. Should i brake up with him?
How do you get a guy to notice you, and don't tell me be yourself?
Are you the same person who answered my last question?
If An elevator weighing 4025kg and maximum acceleration .04 gees what is the minimum force he motor should exert on the cable?
Do you always have to put question marks on every sentence?
Can you tell me, As a guide were their certain qualifications that you had to meet to obtain this position and do you work off a normal computer?
How many ways can you spell Amanda?
What does Toad say in Mario Kart 64?
What would be good record that nobody has done that is for a 12 year old?
How many cases are in a section?
How do you make a 10 cm square on a 5 dot by 5 dot grids?
Are there any hot guys working there that can answer my questions?
Who do you think will win this weekend UT or OU?
Did you just make that up just now?
Can you be both an expeditor and a generalist?
I already got this same message?
How do you get xbox live with out having a computer?
How many names in the world start with A and only has three letters?
Are there any 6 letter words that last 4 letters are xray?
Where will the 2011 world fair take place?
What time does ice palace in brick Nj close today?
Are they going to make a caslevania to 4 xbox 360?
How come you cant get the same question guide -princess<3?
Can you hit me in the balls as hard as you can?
How many records are in the Guinness Book of World Records?
How many Sophie's are there in the world?
What are the lyrics for the song Lose Your Self by Eminem?
Are you 100 % rational?
How can you make something seem like what it is really not?
How many people have the last name long Zman?
How old were youu when youu did?
Who were the last people to get eliminated from the Duel 2?
How can i beat the helicopter game?
Where do you find the last expressionacy in Fable 2?
What is p-4px divided by p?
I thought I was talking to Chris?
How do you say I don't understand you in russian?
Where did the word swag originate from?
What is the best video game to take your anger out on?
Can you send me a diagram pic of wat the spoon position is supposed to look like?
What are tonights winning poweball numbers?
If 3 on the square root of x+9 equals 3. what is x?
I don't have internet but i want a military pen pal can ChaCha arrange that?
If a line segment is 10 inches long, the segment bisector makes two 5 inch long segments. True or false?
If chacha is no longer accepting guides how does am expidator become a guide?
How do you get to the top of Lindley Tower? In Skate 2 for the Xbox 360,?
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